About the Project

Learning to Be: Development of Practices and Methodologies for Assessing Social, Emotional and Health Skills within Education Systems” is experimental project in the framework of Erasmus+ KA3 programme. That brings together education authorities, teaching practitioners and researchers from 7 European countries: Finland, Italy Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain.


The “Learning to Be” initiative was developed on a premise that the assessment of learning in contemporary European schools should go beyond grading of student. Knowledge and academic performance and should include practices for observing (capturing) young people’s personal development, social skills, attitudes and other general skills. At the same time fostering students’ individual social, relational and health skills in school settings would result in more social cohesion, and pro-social behaviors in local communities. Which would in turn affect the higher levels of understanding, sense of interdependence, respect and pro-social conflict resolution in societies.


On one hand, national curricula frameworks all over Europe underline the importance of social and emotional skills in education. On the other hand, there has been a lack of awareness how to assess social and emotional skills properly and to integrate assessment strategies for these skills into the existing education practices.