Author: tobelearningadmin

[caption id="attachment_502" align="alignleft" width="300"] Learning to be: materials.[/caption] Preparation stage of the Learning to Be project is ending. “Toolkit for Assessing Social and Emotional Skills at School”, research procedures and instruments, trial school monitoring and support procedures have been developed. The trial stage will involve 100 experimental...

[caption id="attachment_499" align="alignleft" width="300"] Learning to be meeting[/caption] Learning to Be project partners gathered several times to prepare for the trial stage of the project, starting in the Spring, 2018. The first working group meeting was held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 25-26 September, 2018 and was...

Learning to Be project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ KA3 programme, was launched by organizing an international Symposium on Social, Emotional and Health Skills Assessment in Education on 31 May, 2017. It acted both as a “learning conference” and the first planning meeting of the project partners....