»Razvoj prakse in metodologije za spremljanje socialnih in emocionalnih veščin ter veščin na področju zdravja znotraj izobraževalnega sistema« je eksperimentalni projekt v okviru programa Erasmus+KA3, ki združuje strokovnjake, predstavnike odločevalcev in praktike iz sedmih evropskih držav: Finske, Italije, Latvije, Litve, Portugalske, Slovenije in Španije.
Preparation stage of the Learning to Be project is ending. “Toolkit for Assessing Social and Emotional Skills at School”, research procedures and inst
Learning to Be project partners gathered several times to prepare for the trial stage of the project, starting in the Spring, 2018. The first working
Learning to Be project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ KA3 programme, was launched by organizing an international Symposium on Social, Emotional and Health