03 Giu Symposium on Social, Emotional and Health Skills Assessment in Education
Learning to Be project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ KA3 programme, was launched by organizing an international Symposium on Social, Emotional and Health Skills Assessment in Education on 31 May, 2017. It acted both as a “learning conference” and the first planning meeting of the project partners. The symposium brought together all the partners and other influential people in the field to share their experience. Partners presented their findings and discussed various models and methodologies for SEH skills assessment.
Prof. Kirsti Lonka, University of Helsinki, talked about current trends in Finnish educational system, 21st century skills and social-emotional learning, phenomenon-based learning, the challenges of digital technologies, changing the physical spaces and social interaction.
Professor mentioned in her presentation that we need creative and active citizens, able to solve fuzzy and wicked problems in teams. She emphasized that when automatization and digitalization develop, social and emotional skills are more important than ever.
Learning to Be project partners continued planning of project activities for the preparation stage of the project on 1 June, 2018.